Add a Contact Form to Your Webflow Site with Pure Native JavaScript
Are you looking for a way to integrate your Webflow form submissions with SendSquared API to automate your lead generation process? If yes, you’re in the right place! In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use pure native JavaScript to add a custom form submission function to your Webflow page
Integrating Gravity Forms with SendSquared: A Technical Overview
The following code integrates with the gform_after_submission action in Gravity Forms, which activates once a form has been submitted. It verifies if the form ID matches the desired one to be sent to SendSquared, and if it does, the code gathers the form’s information, arranges the API details, and se
Integration Contact Form 7 with SendSquared: A Technical Overview
The following code hooks into the `wpcf7_mail_sent` action in Contact Form 7, which is triggered after a form is submitted. It collects the form data, sets up the API data, and uses `wp_remote_post` to send the data to the API. The code also checks the response code to ensure that the data was successfully
Integrating Ninja Forms with SendSquared: A Technical Overview
The following code hooks into the `ninja_forms_after_submission` action in Ninja Forms, which is triggered after a form is submitted. It collects the form data, sets up the API data, and uses `wp_remote_post` to send the data to the API. The code also checks the response code to ensure that the data was suc
Integrating WPForms with SendSquared: A Technical Overview
The following code hooks into the wpforms_process_complete action in WPForms, which is triggered after a form is submitted. It collects the form data, sets up the API data, and uses wp_remote_post to send the data to the API. The code also checks the response code to ensure that the data was successfully se
Integrating Caldera Forms with SendSquared: A Technical Overview
This code hooks into the caldera_forms_submit_return filter in Caldera Forms, which is triggered after a form is submitted. It collects the form data, sets up the API data, and uses wp_remote_post to send the data to the API. The code also checks the response code to ensure that the data was successfully se
Add a Contact to SendSquared with Native JavaScript
Are you looking for a way to integrate your booking processes, or Booking Engine with SendSquared API to automate your lead generation process for Cart Amendment? If yes, you’re in the right place! In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use native JavaScript to add a custom form submission func